The 3-Jug Problem (jug)

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There are three jugs with capacities of 8, 5, and 3 liters. Initially the 8-liter jug is full of water, whereas the others are empty. Find a sequence for pouring the water from one jug to another such that the end result is to have 4 liters in the 8-liter jug and the other 4 liters in the 5-liter jug. When pouring the water from a jug A into another jug B, either jug A must be emptied or B must be filled, see Figure 1.


Figure 1: 3-Jug Problem

Modeling Steps

The problem can be formulated as a number of states and transitions between the states. A state is a particular filling of the jugs, for instance, “the 8-liter jug contains 8 liters of water, the 5-liter jug contains nothing, and the 3-liter jug contains nothing.” Each state can be represented by a triple of numbers: (x,y,z), where x is the content of the 8-liter jug, y is the content of the 5-liter jug, and z is the content of the 3-liter jug. So, (8, 0, 0) is the example just used before. We want to reach the state (4, 4, 0). The capacities of the jug can also be represented by a triple: (8, 5, 3).

The first step is to enumerated all states. There are 216 potential states, namely, all states (x,y,z) with 0 x 8, 0 y 5, and 0 z 3, which is 9 6 4 = 216. However, only states where x + y + z = 8 are allowed (no water should be added or removed). Furthermore, at least one jug must be full or empty – following the rules of pouring. This condition can be represented as a Boolean expression as follows:

x = 0 ∨ x = 8 ∨ y = 0 ∨ y = 5 ∨ z = 0 ∨ z = 3

There are 16 remaining possible states, they are:

{(0,5,3),(1,4,3),(1,5,2),(2,3,3 ),(2,5, 1),(3, 2,3),(3,5,0),(4,1,3),

                      (4, 4,0),(5,0,3),(5,3,0),(6,0,2),(6,2,0),(7,0,1),(7,1,0),(8,0,0 )}

The basic operation is to pour water from one jug A to another jug B in a way that either A is emptied or B is filled. We are looking for the shortest sequence of operations that reaches the state (4, 4, 0) starting with state (8, 0, 0). Such a basic operation is called a transition from one state to another. The result is a (directed) graph. The problem now is reduced to find the shortest (direct) path in this graph from state (8, 0, 0) to the state (4, 4, 0). The resulting graph and the shortest path in red is given in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Solution of the 3-Jug Problem

Further Comments

The model EnumerateStates returns all possible states and Si contains all state names as strings. The most challenging is to calculated the transsitions ei,j between state i and j: Let k be a jug then k%N + 1 is the next jug and (k + 1)%N + 1 is the next but one. A valid pouring from state i to state j for jug k%N + 1 to jug (k + 1)%N + 1 is defined as follows: (1) not touching the jug k, (that is xk,i = xk,j) and (2) either filling the jug (k + 1)%N + 1 of state j (that is, x(k+1)%N+1,j = C(k+1)%N+1]) or emptying the jug k%N + 1 of state j (that is, xk%N+1,j = 0). Totally six of these conditions must hold, because there are six pouring possibilities with three jugs. The conditions are implemented in the e{i,j}:=... statement.

Calling to function Graph.SPath returns the shortest path.

Listing 1: The Complete Model implemented in LPL [2]
model jug "The 3-Jug Problem"; 
  set k       "Set of jugs"; 
    i,j       "The set of states"; 
    e{i,j}    "Transition links"; 
    p{i,j}    "shortest path"; 
  parameter N "Number of jugs"; 
    T         "Total liquid"; 
    C{k}      "capacities of the jugs"; 
    x{k,i}    "the states"; 
  string S{i} "State name"; 
    InitState "Starting state"; 
    GoalState "Arrivng State"; 
  e{i,j}:= or{k} ( 
    x[k,i]=x[k,j] and (x[k%N+1,j]=C[k%N+1] or x[(k+1)%N+1,j]=0) or 
    x[k,i]=x[k,j] and (x[k%N+1,j]=0 or x[(k+1)%N+1,j]=C[(k+1)%N+1])); 
  parameter s:=argmax{i} (S=InitState) "from"; 
            t:=argmax{i} (S=GoalState) "to"; 
  if Graph.SPath(e,p,s,t)>=99999999 then Write('No path exists' n'); end; 
  DrawJug(8,0,0, 0,0); 
  DrawJug(4,4,0, 25,0); 
  parameter SPdraw{i}:=[16,7,6,13,12,3,2,9]; n; 
  parameter SPdraw1{i}:=[16,9]; 
  {i|SPdraw1} (n:=n+1, Draw.Ellipse(S[SPdraw1],if(n>4,(n-4)*10-5,n*25-17),if(n>4,-10,-6),3,1,1,0)); 
/*  {i|SPdraw} (n:=n+1, Draw.Ellipse(S[SPdraw],if(n>4,(n-4)*10-5,n*10-5),if(n>4,-10,-6),3,1,1,0)); 
  {p in 1..3} Draw.Arrow(p*10-2,-6,p*10+2,-6); 
  {p in 1..3} Draw.Arrow(p*10-2,-10,p*10+2,-10); 
  model data; 
    InitState:='(8,0,0)'; //sum must be T 
    GoalState:='(4,4,0)'; //sum must be T 
  model EnumerateStates; 
    {a in 0..C[1],b in 0..C[2], c in 0..C[3]} 
      if(a+b+c=T and (a=0 or a=C[1] or b=0 or b=C[2] or c=0 or c=C[3]), 
        (Addm(i,#i+1), x[1,#i]:=a,x[2,#i]:=b,x[3,#i]:=c) 
  model DrawGraph; 
    {e[i,j]} Draw.Arrow(xa[i],ya[i],xa[j],ya[j],2); 
    --{p[i,j]} Draw.Arrow(xa[j],ya[j],xa[i],ya[i],2,3,3); 
  model DrawJug(integer a;b;c; x;y); 
    model oneJug(integer h;a; x;y); 
      if a>0 then 


  1. Vary the problem: Try, for example:

        T:=9; InitState:='(8,1,0)'; GoalState:='(2,5,2)';

    Or try this:

        T:=10; InitState:='(10,0,0)'; GoalState:='(3,4,3)'; 
        C{k}:=[10 5 3];
  2. Try also this : (what happens?)

        T:=12; InitState:='(10,2,0)'; GoalState:='(5,6,1)'; 
        C{k}:=[12 6 3];
  3. Another shorter formulation of the jug problem is: jugA.


  1. Just modify the model correspondingly and run again. The nice example to introduce your children to graph

  2. No path exists between these two states.


[1]   MatMod. Homepage for Learning Mathematical Modeling :

[2]   Hürlimann T. Reference Manual for the LPL Modeling Language, most recent version.