This model is related to the model gameh.
model gameh1 "A Simulation of the Game";
set i,j :=[1..50];
parameter p{i,j} :=
if(i>j+1,-j , i=j+1,i+j , i=j-1,-i-j, i<j-1,i);
variable x{i} "Strategy of player 1";
constraint R: sum{i} x = 1;
maximize gain: min{j} (sum{i} p*x);
parameter y{j}:=if(j=1,1); //fixed strategy for II
Write('Player I plays optimal, ' nplayer II always number 1' n');
Write('Average gain of I is: %10.7f ' n' n',sum{i,j} p*x*y);
y{j}:=if(j=2,1); //fixed strategy for II
Write('Player I plays optimal, ' nplayer II always number 2' n');
Write('Average gain of I is: %10.7f ' n' n',sum{i,j} p*x*y);
y{j}:=if(j<=5,0.2); //fixed strategy for II
Write('Player I plays optimal, ' nplayer II number 1..5 at 20%' n');
Write('Average gain of I is: %10.7f ' n' n',sum{i,j} p*x*y);
y{j}:=if(j<=4,j/10); //fixed strategy for II
Write('Player I plays optimal, ' nplayer II each number 1..4 at 10% 20% 30% 40%' n');
Write('Average gain of I is: %10.7f ' n' n',sum{i,j} p*x*y);
y{j}:=if(j<=10,0.1); //fixed strategy for II
Write('Player I plays optimal, ' nplayer II each number 1..10 at 10%' n');
Write('Average gain of I is: %10.7f ' n' n' n',sum{i,j} p*x*y);
Write('Player I optimal, player two 1,2,3,4,5,6' n');
Write('%10.7f ', x[2]*3);
Write('%10.7f ' n', x[3]+ x[4]+ x[5]);
Write('%10.7f ', x[3]*5);
Write('%10.7f ' n', x[1]*3 + x[4]*2 + x[5]*2);
Write('%10.7f ', x[1] + 7*x[4]);
Write('%10.7f ' n', 5*x[2] + x[5]*3);
Write('%10.7f ', x[1] + 2*x[2] + x[5]*9);
Write('%10.7f ' n', x[3]*7);
Write('%10.7f ', x[1] + x[2]*2+ x[3]*3);
Write('%10.7f ' n', x[4]*9);
Write('%10.7f ', x[1] + x[2]*2+ x[3]*3+x[4]*4);
Write('%10.7f ' n', x[5]*11);
[1] MatMod. Homepage for Learning Mathematical Modeling :
[2] Hürlimann T. Reference Manual for the LPL Modeling Language, most recent version.