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Draw a Graph IV (exer-graph2)

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Define the picture in Figure 1 and draw it with the drawing tool of LPL.


Figure 1: A Grid


We define a parameter Pi,j which is 1 for a black circle, 0 for a white circle, and 2 for no circle. It is define as follows:

   (    {  1  if i = j Pi,j = 0  if i = 7 - j    (  2  else

In LPL the function if(a,b,c,d,e) is like a case statement: “if a is true return b, elseif c is true return d, else return e”.

Note that the 5-th parameter for Draw.Circle() is the color: 0=black, 1=white (see color assignments in LPL: xDrawColors).

Listing 1: The Complete Model implemented in LPL [2]

model aGraph2 "Draw a Graph IV"; 
  set i,j :=1..6       "A set of nodes"; 
  parameter P{i,j}:=if(i=j,1,i=7-j,0,2); 
  {i|i<#i} Draw.Line(0,i,#j,i,2); 
  {j|j<#j} Draw.Line(j,0,j,#i,2); 
  {i,j|P<>2} Draw.Circle(j-.5,i-.5,.4,1-P,0); 


[1]   MatMod. Homepage for Learning Mathematical Modeling :

[2]   Hürlimann T. Reference Manual for the LPL Modeling Language, most recent version.